Dumfriesshire Hunt Pony Club

Online Competition Entries



Click here for more info about Clubentries.com

Payments are made with Paypal or by a debit/credit card, using Paypal's secure online service.

There is a small booking fee of £ 1.00 for each set of entries made on the system

Click on the View button to see more details of an event and to enter.

Click for more help!

Click on DATE to reverse order
Date Closing Date Name of Event Venue Status Schedule Times Results
10/05/2024 10/05/2024 Dressage Training with Gaynor Ranshaw from 4pm to 9pm South Hayrigg, Lockerbie DG11 1BJ Closed for Entries Schedule unavailable Open to All


smiley Please can you add earliest arrival time and latest leave time when booking/paying, even if you have advised us in another format.  This will help us hugely when sorting groups and save a lot of needless communication and changes.  We will endeavour to give you the times you ask or close to them, but it isn’t always possible.  Small group definition is three to six riders.  

Thank you smiley