This gives you the option to list the entries to an event in several different ways.


List Entries lists the paid ,free and admin entries by class with the total number of entries in each class being displayed.
The information displayed on the screen can be downloaded in three ways to csv files for use in a spreadsheet.
  1. The download is is the same format as the screen display. (Download)
  2. The information is downloaded in columns(Download in Columns)
  3. The information is downloaded in columns showing both the entries and the contact details.
Contact Details lists the contact details of competitors as entered on the payment details page.
The information displayed on the screen can be downloaded in two ways to csv files for use in a spreadsheet.
  1. The download is is the same format as the screen display. (Download)
  2. Only the email addresses are downloaded so that they can be used for bulk emailing.
List by Competitor shows the classes entered against each competitor.
The information displayed on the screen can be downloaded to a csv file for use in a spreadsheet.
  1. The download is is the same format as the screen display.
List Invalid Entries lists any invalid entries which have either been cancelled or where payment has not been successfully processd.
The information displayed on the screen can be downloaded in two ways to csv files for use in a spreadsheet.
  1. The download is is the same format as the screen display. (Download)
  2. The information is downloaded in columns (Download in columns)



Edit Entries to view or edit entries click on Edit/order number


Go to ADMIN Section


Edit Classes
Change Class order
Class types
Upload Schedule or Times




Edit Entries